Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Walk About - part Zwei

The Luisenpark is really quite lovely. It rivals more well-known gardens I have seen in other cities. There were lots of young families and older couples - oh so sweet.Here is a boat ride around the large lake inside the park.
Lots of families.
More families.
Outside of the Chinese garden, there is a nice waterfall that you can walk behind. The back side of water.
The Chinese pagoda.
Serves as a tea room.
Say cheese.
Just like my backyard - right.
A restaurant overlooking the lake.
I got tired and so rested at a performance of Swan Lake. Again, very sweet.
This is to regular chess what the wii is to video games. Actually, these were plastic and looked quite light. But it was fun to see kids playing chess by walking around with peices.
Another fountain.

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