Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Schönbrunn in the AM

Schloss Schönbrunn is fabulous.

Obviously modeled on Versailles, it sometimes surpasses and sometimes falls short. The rooms are simply sumptuous. I do not know when I have seen so much gold leaf. The tour is quite extensive and this time, the self-guided tour focuses on Empress Maria Theresa because it was given to her and she used it extensively.

However, those who know me will not be surprised that I enjoyed the gardens best of all. These are just a few of the images I saw and fewer still that I captured. A rose covered archway 50 meters long.

The formal gardens.There is a temporary band shell set up for a concert tonight. This obstructs the giant fountain of Neptune.

At the top of the hill behind the gardens is Gloriette, and the name is not an exageration.

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